Contact Us and testamonials

  • Phone – Pip 07879442921 or Jo – 07789517313 (leave a message and we will contact you once our beach school session is finished).

Sessions run from 10 am to 2pm, giving the school enough time to catch a bus to the location and to return to school before the end of day. Times are flexible.


Session cost: £295 for a class of 30, £10 per head there after.

It may be possible to have two classes simultaneously, please contact us for further information.

School to provide enough helpers for a 1:6 ratio for KS1 and 1:10 ratio for KS2.

We are able to provide a generic Risk Assessment to be adapted for each school and an itinerary to help teachers plan the trip.

See links:

Brighton Beach School Risk Assessment

Brighton Beach School Rockpooling Risk Assessment

Brighton Beach School Public Transport Risk Assessment

Brighton Beach School Booking Form

Brighton Beach School Terms and Conditions


“Just a quick note to say that the beach trip today was absolutely incredible. Children/teachers and parents were all just brilliant! I think i t’s definitely one of the best trips I’ve ever been on. I think it’s also so impressive to get 60 kids to the beach for theday using public transport. It worked so well. They had such a brilliant time.”

Year 2 parent and teaching assisistant at Cottesmore School, Brighton.

“Pip was fantastic at managing the class and explaining clearly what was expected of the children. She ensured they were safe while also having fun! Pip also listened to the needs of the children and tailored as necessary.”

Carlton Hill Year 2

(photos: Butterfly House Presents)